If you wish to take a Leave of Absence (LOA), please read the below instructions carefully and follow the steps one by one.
- Regular Leave of Absence: If you take LOA over two semesters, your graduation requirement term will revert to your return year.
- Military Leave of Absence: If you take LOA and return immediately, your graduation requirement term does not change. You must submit your “Certificate of Military” when you apply for rematriculation.
Leave of Absence
- Please submit the Google form to take a leave of absence for Fall 2024: **https://forms.gle/X1DiMVEvXuzpFURQ8**
- Meeting is not required.
- Your university email will be closed after 200 days (about 6 months).
- You should check your personal email regularly even during your leave.
- After taking a leave of absence, please check “Solar” to see if you registered for any classes. Please drop all of them because it might cause “F” grades.
- You may apply for scholarship reinstatement when you return to school if you are a scholarship recipient.
- Rematriculation for Spring semesters: Course registration will be around early November
- Rematriculation for Fall semesters: Course registration will be around early May
- SBU Visit Info Session will be held during Spring semesters. RSVP emails will be sent to your personal email address.
- If a student takes a leave of absence for two semesters or more, the student’s requirement term will be changed to the returning term. For example, suppose you entered SBU in Fall 2019. If you take a leave of absence for two semesters or more and return to school in Fall 2021 or after, you must adhere to the SBU visit policy applicable from Fall 2021 onwards. Military leave doesn’t factor into this policy.
Example of “Undergraduate Semester Withdrawal”
🌟 If you take military leave, you should check “Leave of Absence” not “U.S. Military Leave”.
🌟 College should be “CEAS” !!

Note that..